and so do disappearing penisblades

not your normal, everyday problem, to be sure. but consider it like this: villain in S&M getup has a knife. how do we know this? we see it in his hand, we see him brandishing it as he approaches our stupid-shirted hero... except, that isn't what happens here. instead, there's a knife... somewhere. we get a nice closeup of it. but where is it? is someone holding it? is it glued to a wall? the floor? is it even in this room where our coked-up, leatherclad, nameless and disposable antagonist is about to face our slack-jawed, dumb-shirted, personality-lacking protagonist? or was that just a cutaway to some random knife for flavor? did footage arrive at the editing bay with random labels and someone just had to guess what was going on, or not going on? we're two thirds of the way in; what is happening should be far clearer than this. #mandy minute 83
not your normal, everyday problem, to be sure. but consider it like this: villain in S&M getup has a knife. how do we know this? we see it in his hand, we see him brandishing it as he approaches our stupid-shirted hero... except, that isn't what happens here. instead, there's a knife... somewhere. we get a nice closeup of it. but where is it? is someone holding it? is it glued to a wall? the floor? is it even in this room where our coked-up, leatherclad, nameless and disposable antagonist is about to face our slack-jawed, dumb-shirted, personality-lacking protagonist? or was that just a cutaway to some random knife for flavor? did footage arrive at the editing bay with random labels and someone just had to guess what was going on, or not going on? we're two thirds of the way in; what is happening should be far clearer than this. #mandy minute 83 ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
and so do disappearing penisblades
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