and so do the latter hellraiser movies, and this movie every time it apes them

we're not quite to what is probably the stupidest thing in this movie--and given the amount of stupid in this movie, that's saying something--so let us relish this poorly lit buildup in which physics is thrown out the window, andy has forgotten how an axe works, and i'd rather talk about hellraiser and minecraft than what is on the screen. #mandy minute 90
we're not quite to what is probably the stupidest thing in this movie--and given the amount of stupid in this movie, that's saying something--so let us relish this poorly lit buildup in which physics is thrown out the window, andy has forgotten how an axe works, and i'd rather talk about hellraiser and minecraft than what is on the screen. #mandy minute 90 ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
and so do the latter hellraiser movies, and this movie every time it apes them
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