and so do these easy-start burning heads

it's like this movie can't make up its mind (even this close to the end) to have things happen quickly or slowly. headcrush? at least a whole boring minute where we can't tell what's happening. lighter drops on floor where there's a head, a body, and a (presumably) concrete floor? that shit has to ignite into a massive blaze immediately, and spread down the LONG tunnel and up the ladder and ignite this stupid Midsommar temple before someone skins that tiger and wraps someone in it. #mandy minute 113
it's like this movie can't make up its mind (even this close to the end) to have things happen quickly or slowly. headcrush? at least a whole boring minute where we can't tell what's happening. lighter drops on floor where there's a head, a body, and a (presumably) concrete floor? that shit has to ignite into a massive blaze immediately, and spread down the LONG tunnel and up the ladder and ignite this stupid Midsommar temple before someone skins that tiger and wraps someone in it. #mandy minute 113 ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
and so do these easy-start burning heads
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