and so does this casual drug use

i don't need to complain about how vegas can break a man's neck like an 80s action hero. later he's gonna crush a guy's head with his bare hands so he's obviously superstrong--just one of many secrets he keeps, like his smithing cave, his mysterious black friend who stores his crossbow for him, and his fantastic wit. poor editing makes it unclear exactly how he stabs otherface, so vegas has to snap his neck, 80s style. what else could he do? are they going to have a well-choreographed conflict where we can see what happens and it might actually matter what happens because either of these characters have actual names and motivations beyond simplistic revenge or drug-fueled murderousness (you decide which description fits which character as you please)? no, it's going to remain poorly lit, poorly edited, and vegas is going to be a superhero on some alien planet by the end of the film because that makes perfect sense. and we want all of our heroes to casually pick up shards of glass piled high with cocaine and breathe some in because that's normal, and useful, and entirely steeped in the deeply complex character history we've been given so far... wait. no. #mandy minute 85
i don't need to complain about how vegas can break a man's neck like an 80s action hero. later he's gonna crush a guy's head with his bare hands so he's obviously superstrong--just one of many secrets he keeps, like his smithing cave, his mysterious black friend who stores his crossbow for him, and his fantastic wit. poor editing makes it unclear exactly how he stabs otherface, so vegas has to snap his neck, 80s style. what else could he do? are they going to have a well-choreographed conflict where we can see what happens and it might actually matter what happens because either of these characters have actual names and motivations beyond simplistic revenge or drug-fueled murderousness (you decide which description fits which character as you please)? no, it's going to remain poorly lit, poorly edited, and vegas is going to be a superhero on some alien planet by the end of the film because that makes perfect sense. and we want all of our heroes to casually pick up shards of glass piled high with cocaine and breathe some in because that's normal, and useful, and entirely steeped in the deeply complex character history we've been given so far... wait. no. #mandy minute 85 ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
and so does this casual drug use
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