and so does this new guy and his golden gun and his tiger

this scene is just another waste of time in a film full of wastes of time. the chemist serves no plot purpose, andy doesn't kill him, the stupid tiger as metaphor for andy's rage is mistimed because he has already killed four people so it's a little late to let the tiger out, and it's a waste of a tiger. andy should have let the tiger out, let it maul the chemist and get itself some drugs and go on a rampage and maybe it would matter that there's a tiger in this movie. as is, it might as well be stock footage. #mandy minute 92
this scene is just another waste of time in a film full of wastes of time. the chemist serves no plot purpose, andy doesn't kill him, the stupid tiger as metaphor for andy's rage is mistimed because he has already killed four people so it's a little late to let the tiger out, and it's a waste of a tiger. andy should have let the tiger out, let it maul the chemist and get itself some drugs and go on a rampage and maybe it would matter that there's a tiger in this movie. as is, it might as well be stock footage. #mandy minute 92 ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
and so does this new guy and his golden gun and his tiger
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