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Displaying episodes 31 - 60 of 134 in total

and so does the lack of coverage

one long shot does nothing to establish location, motivation, even action. where is swiney todd? why is he blowing the horn of abraxas? what is going on? #mandy minute 30

and so do you for listening to this show

swine blows a 'horn' and busey rolls down a window and you need to get out while you can, it's every listener for themself! #mandy minute 31

and so does waiting in a van for... something to happen

also, did they recast 'native american'? or did he lose a bunch of weight? or get a nose job? that's not the same guy from before, right? did they fire him because he ...

and so do these discount cenobites

this movie has not earned these monsters. it does not deserve them. #mandy minute 33

and so does this plan

but they've got bikes, and there's a jar of something and, yada yada yada, profit. #mandy minute 34

and so do 'andy''s shirts

it's a problem when the leads sitting in the dark staring at a television is the most interesting they've been yet. #mandy minute 35

and so do forest fires, andy

and poorly-done pans, and smoking, and that tiger shirt, and unestablished POV shots, and these characters, and this movie. #mandy minute 36

and so do flashing lights

unless you want your audience to have seizures, you might want us to see what's happening or we will not be frightened by it. #mandy minute 37

and so does not knowing what just happened

nevermind the demonic bug zapper, we should see what happens to our leads more clearly than we see what happens to cherub. #mandy minute 38

and so does nothing happening now

where are we? why are there apples? why is other girl in this scene? what just happened? where did the cenobabies go? who am i? what is this show? #mandy minute 39

and so does introducing this alien larvae subplot 40 minutes in

but, hey, you just introduced demon bikers 10 minutes ago and they're gone already, apparently, so why the hell not? just throw everything in here. just as long as no ...

and so does this silly bug prop

but i still want one. also, something happened... finally. it's like the movie thinks it has a plot. #mandy minute 41

and so does going back to nothing happening

but, hey, it hasn't all been blurry, it hasn't all been red, it hasn't all been closeups of #mandy's giant eyes that express no emotion ever. it could've been far wors...

and so does 'the other day' as continuity shorthand

oh, and fishmouth's attitude ain't great either. at least #mandy has the benefit of drugs; what do we have? well, you have me. minute 43

and so does fishmouth's slow rambling

seriously, between the color alteration and now the audio modulation, this is barely even a movie anymore. #mandy minute 44

and so does fishmouth's (taste in) music

crappy music, out of focus scene, tinted red because why not? and fishmouth says... something. probably. #mandy minute 45

"and so does 'Jeremiah Sucks'

couldn't afford The Carpenters, eh Panos? so we get this garbage music? and, Fishmouth can't even get through it without monologuing. #Mandy minute 46

and so do adjectives in the mouths of bad writers

but when you gotta pretentious, you gotta pretentious, i guess. #mandy minute 47

and so do fishmouth's late-to-the-game hippie life choices

and who does he worship anyway? is it jesus? is it abraxas? lucifer? is it inigo? who? nobody. nobody kills him. he lives... wait, i got distracted my memories of a ...

and so does trying to justify your motives to your drugged-up prisoner

you drugged her two different ways, you got all the lights down low (and red) and it's the middle of the night after she was awakened by demon bikers. and you're evil....

and so do live episodes

but join me anyway in this #Mandy Minute 50 LIVE Spectacular, as I and my guest--Curtis Bloes of Better Off Dead Minute talk about the inanity of Christian prophets fr...

and so does, um, fishmouth choking his chicken

maybe he doesn't know how babies are made. maybe lucy's baby isn't his. maybe panos has no clue either. but at least this scene is almost over. #mandy minute 51

and so does this 'brilliant' juxtaposition of two men in pain

both have recently lost "brandy" and they need to grieve in their own ways. like burning people alive or forging ridiculous axes.... sorry, SPOILERS. #mandy minute 52

and so does all the darkness and the blurry

seriously, character enters scene doesn't have to be a mystery as to who it is every damn time, panos. get it together. or, better yet, never make another film. #mandy...

and so do regrets

and russian roulettes and blurry silhouettes and #mandy minettes (minute 54)

and so does the prop 'department'

the obviously accidentally psychologically accurate dehumanization before the torture is a little annoying as well. #mandy minute 55

and so do your closeups

the blocking not as much, the editing worse, and are those fake teeth? #mandy minute 56

and so does slow motion in the dark

#mandy is in a burlap sack because the actress has escaped. is that what happened to the lighting guy? was there one and then he fled the set? minute 57

and so does skipping parts of the action

but, yeah, take your time with the gasoline pouring and the match lighting because... riveting. #mandy minute 58

and so does wasting a stuntperson's time like this

we can't see the body, we don't KNOW who's burning, why hire someone to be in the bag? or sacrifice someone for real? or whatever this is? #mandy minute 59

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